About Us
Blaisegem Media was founded to enhance and preserve moments and experiences that are most important to you. We want you to achieve your greatest, and exude love and satisfaction at every stage of your existence. Thus, the advice we give, the experiences we create, and the moments we preserve, are specially tailored to deliver exactly what you desire.
In late 2012, an opportunity was identified to enter media production within rural communities that possessed cultures, and many individuals who captured memories and events using whatever means available to them. These specific communities at that point in history, had no access to the internet or prining services. Our founder, seeing the unmet needs of the citizens, purchased a photography printer, ordered wireless internet service, then set off with some friends to promote the services. Photography printing grew into photography, document printing was accompanied by document lamination, and as the years passed, the range of services expanded. Blaisegem Media now offers:
Marketing Consulting
Photography and related services such as printing, laminating, plaquing.
Video streaming, recording, editing and all services related to the production, distribution and consumption of recorded or streamed video.
Audio Recording and editing services. - All services related to the creation, production, distribution, promotion, and consumption of music.
Event planning, production, event auditing and promotion.
Blaisegem Media was founded to enhance and preserve moments and experiences that are most important to our clients. We wanted all our clients to achieve, and exude love and satisfaction at every stage of their existence.
In late 2012, an opportunity was identified by our founder to offer media production services within rural communities in Jamaica and along with some friends, set off to promote the services. Photography printing grew into photography, document printing was later accompanied by document lamination, and as the years passed, the range of services expanded to video editing, audio editing and recording, event planning and auditing, and graphic designing. The competencies of the business grew, and today, Blaisegem Media offers the following Services:
Management Consulting with focus on:
Marketing Strategy
Business and Organizational Development
Information Technology
Media Production with focus on:
Music Production
Graphic Design
App and Web Development
Blaisegem Media also partners with other companies to provide decor, grooming, dining and transportation services.
Here, everything is possible! 24/6
At Blaisegem, we make and preserve in utmost perfection, every element of meaning and beauty in the moments that clients hold dear. We accomplish this while serving with integrity and courtesy.
We strive daily to help organisations achieve their goals, recalling their founding principles and the story behind their success. We help people re-live their cherished moments as if they were magically transported to the time and place of the event.
We help lovers to remember their experiences and long to reignite the flame of love; we help families to remember their heritage as one generation teaches the next of their ancestry through photographs, videos, songs, and any other means that technology will allow.
We are moving forward and higher, preserving the invaluable treasures of the past while building a brighter and more beautiful future.
At Blaisegem, we make and preserve in utmost perfection, every element of meaning and beauty in the moments that clients hold dear. We accomplish this while serving with integrity and courtesy.
We strive daily to help organisations achieve their goals, recalling their founding principles and the story behind their success. We help people re-live their cherished moments as if they were magically transported to the time and place of the event.
We help lovers to remember their experiences and long to reignite the flame of love; we help families to remember their heritage as one generation teaches the next of their ancestry through photographs, videos, songs, and any other means that technology will allow.
We are moving forward and higher, preserving the invaluable treasures of the past while building a brighter and more beautiful future.
We incorporate creative, talented, ethical, and knowledgeable individuals of various ages and qualifications to gain a wide range of ideas. With great care we select individuals with the right attitude and skills who can be trained to deliver superior service while holding true to what we value as a business.
We provide training in etiquette and financial management while we encourage a rich social and family life. We are punctual, flexible, and confidential.
Our best people however, are you our current and prospective clients, who through your ideas and feedback have assisted us, and will continue to assist us to improve our offerings, thus allowing us to serve you better while contributing to a better society. To show our appreciation, we asked some professionals and successful experienced practitioners to contribute articles that help to create and maintain beautiful lives and relationships.
Above all other, we acknowledge our Creator, who we invite daily to guide us as we serve humanity. It is He who sustains and fill our hearts with love, our minds with ideas, our bodies with strength, and an appreciation for each other, and all things beautiful.